- Wind:
- SW, 06 knots
- Sunrise:
- Sunset:
Partly cloudy with the odd shower. Southwesterlies.
Partly cloudy with the chance of a shower. Fresh westerlies.
For more detailed weather information visit MetService.
Marine Recreational Forecasts - Northland
Area Description:
The Bay of Islands and inshore waters from Cape Brett to the Poor Knights Islands to Bream Head.
Weak fronts embedded in a westerly flow affect the country today. A more intense front sweeps northwards tomorrow, reaching central areas at night. An intense front sweeps across the North Island on Sunday morning, followed by a westerly flow. On Monday, another front sweeps across New Zealand from the west.
Friday: Southwest 15 knots, easing to westerly 10 knots in the evening. Sea slight. Mainly fine. Cloudy periods with a chance of a shower late morning and afternoon. Easterly swell 1.5 metres easing to 1 metre.
Outlook until midnight Monday: Saturday: Westerly 10 knots rising to 15 knots in the morning and 20 knots in the evening. Becoming fine. Easterly swell 1 metre. Sunday: Westerly 20 knots, easing to southwest 10 knots early. A few showers. Northerly swell 1 metre developing. Monday: Westerly 10 knots, becoming northerly 10 knots early. Becoming westerly 15 knots later. Showers developing. Northerly swell 1 metre dying out.
Marine Coastal Forecasts - Brett
Friday : Southwest 15 knots. Sea slight. Northeast swell 1 metre.
Outlook following 3 days: Saturday: Westerly 15 knots, rising to 25 knots in the afternoon. Sea becoming rough. Sunday: Westerly 25 knots, easing to southwest 10 knots early. Rough sea easing. Monday: Variable 10 knots, becoming northerly 15 knots early. Becoming westerly 25 knots later. Sea becoming rough.
Marine Coastal Forecasts - Kaipara
Friday : Southerly 15 knots turning westerly 15 knots in the evening. Sea slight. Long period southwest swell 3 metres, easing.
Outlook following 3 days: Saturday: Westerly 15 knots, rising to northwest 25 knots in the evening. Sea becoming rough. Moderate southwest swell. Sunday: Westerly 25 knots, easing to southwest 10 knots early. Rough sea easing. Moderate southwest swell. Monday: Variable 10 knots, becoming northerly 15 knots early. Becoming westerly 25 knots later. Sea becoming rough. Moderate southwest swell.