- Sunrise:
- Sunset:
Partly cloudy. Northerlies.
Cloudy. Occasional afternoon rain, clearing to a fine evening. Gusty northwesterlies, turning strong southwest in the afternoon, easing evening.
For more detailed weather information visit MetService.
Marine Coastal Forecasts - Rangitata
Friday : Variable 10 knots. Northwest 15 knots developing for a time in the morning and afternoon. Sea slight. Southwest swell 1 metre. Northeast swell 1 metre.
Outlook following 3 days: Saturday: Northerly 15 knots, rising to 25 knots in the morning. Becoming westerly 20 knots in the afternoon. Sea becoming rough for a time. Moderate southwest swell developing. Sunday: Westerly 15 knots, easing to variable 10 knots early. Becoming northerly 15 knots later. Moderate southwest swell. Monday: Northerly 15 knots, becoming westerly 10 knots late. Moderate southerly swell easing.